A diamond’s value, prestige and rarity is defined by the 4Cs. Colour, Clarity, Carat and Cut. However the easiet to see of these Cs is the cut, and that’s why the Aurora Diamond is a major breakthrough.



    The intense white light that
    radiates from the diamond.

  • Expertly Cut

    Expertly Cut

    Each of our Aurora diamonds is expertly cut to maxamise sparkle

  • Bespoke

    We can create any bespoke design using our amazing Aurora cut of diamond.

    Build your own 

When light enters and leaves a diamond, the essential character and beauty of the diamond is revealed.

More Brilliant

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but when it comes to the Aurora Diamond, we can scientifically prove it.

Every Aurora Diamond 0.40cts and larger is independently certified to be visibly brighter. Each includes light-performance certification from Sarine Technologies or International Gemmological Institute (IGI).

Sarine and IGI are world leaders in advanced diamond grading, light measurement and imaging systems for diamonds. Diamonds are graded on four criteria: Brilliance, Fire, Brightness/Sparkle and Optical Symmetry, giving a total grade.

All Aurora Diamonds have a minimum total grade of Ultimate 1 from Sarine, or Exceptional from IGI.



From our hands to yours for the last 80 years